Congratulations to Emin Serin, Paul Renner and Antoine Bernas for winning the Poster Awards at this year’s environMENTAL General Assembly Meeting!
Emin’s poster presents a novel neural network architecture that can generate synthetic task-based fMRI images. It enables the investigation of task-related biomarkers without the need for actual tb-fMRI images.
Paul’s poster presents geospatial data including urbanity, green spaces, water bodies, elevation, climate, weather, and atmospheric data provided for examining their impact on mental health.
Antoine’s poster presents new links across cohorts to estimate developmentally sensitive symptom profiles.
Congratulations to all for their hard work, and a shout out to Dennis Cleff for creating the thoughtful prizes!
Additional congratulations to supporting poster team members, including Sören Hese, Kerstin Schepanski and Henrik Walter!