How can citizens help understand the link between the environment and mental health?

We are thrilled to have hosted the public debate on the role of citizens and public participation in mental health research. This public event concludes the environMENTAL Consensus Conference which started as a series of online meetings with a diverse group of citizens and experts from the project (see The event has been organised to give a broader group of stakeholders including interest groups, policymakers and academia an insight into the outcome of the consensus conference and to further facilitate dialogue and engagement on the future of mental health research.
Event Details:
On December 3, 2023, the Consensus Conference took place in a hybrid format, featuring both online and in-person sessions at the Lecture Hall Ruin, the Berlin Museum of Medical History, Charité University, Berlin. This free event provided a platform for engaging discussions and insights into critical topics, allowing participants to engage in meaningful dialogues with experts and peers.
On the Agenda was:
12:30 – Registration and refreshment
13:00 – Welcome – Prof Bernd Stahl
13:10 – Panel Discussion – Topic: The role of citizens in the future of research on mental health and the environment.
14:15 – Audience Question and Answer
14:30 – The position of the environMENTAL Project – Prof Gunther Schuman
14:55 – Closing remarks – Prof Bernd Stahl
15:00 – End
Profile of Speakers and Panellists include:
- Prof. Gunter Schumann, Principal Investigator (environMENTAL Project), Founder and Director Centre for Population Neuroscience (PONS), Charite. He has pioneered the field of population neuroscience and was first to use of remote sensing satellite analysis to investigate the relation of physical environment, brain, and behaviour. Gunter is a recipient of an ERC advanced grant and has been supported by funding organisations such as EC, MRC, DFG, BMBF, NIH and others. He also holds a position as Distinguished Professor at Fudan University, Shanghai PONS hosts experts in neuroimaging, imaging genetics and biostatistics.
- Prof. Henrik Walter, Deputy Medical Director (research); Professor for Psychiatry, Psychiatric Neuroscience and Neurophilosophy, Head of research division Mind and Brain, Head of consiliary psychiatry (campus CCM and CVK)
- Prof. Bernd Stahl. Professor of Critical Research in Technology, University of Nottingham. Bernd was Director of the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, (2010- 2022).
- Dr. Angeliki Balayannis. Associate Professor Knowledge, Technology and Innovation, Wageningen University. Her research expertise includes participatory approaches to pollution, waste and planetary health.
- Dr. Gill Grimshaw is a public contributor who has acted as an Advisor on public and patient involvement in research, using lived experience, for over 20 years. Trained as a Medical Physicist and epidemiologist, Gill retired from an academic career to tend her allotment and bee hives. Gill is also a member of the Citizen’s representatives from the environMENTAL Consensus Conference
- Dr. Jakob Kaminsky, Head of research group Digital Psychiatry, Medical lead of home treatment, Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences. Jakob is also a member of the environMENTAL Stakeholder Board
- Stephania Lamble, expert by lived experience. Stephania is also a member of the Citizen’s representatives from the environMENTAL Consensus Conference, She has a Bachelor’s Degree Tourism Business Administration. IUNP Universitary Institute of New Professions, Caracas, Venezuela. She is PPI Volunteer for IMH Institute of Mental Health. and voluteers at the University of Nottingham FOH (Front of House). Industrial Museum of Nottingham Freelance Tour Guide and Can You Handle It Tours.
- Halvor Stokke Devor, expert by lived experience, member of the environMENTAL Stakeholder Board, Member of User Council CoE NORMENT Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo